“Favor… Do you accept it?”

The reason for this blog is that we all take advantage of Gods favor. We never stop and think of the small things he does for us. Breathing, walking, talking, even dancing. This is all favor of God. Think about the things you pray for. You may ask for a financial blessing and God blesses you to have a better budget. You may say to yourself man i could use some money and God allowed you to move something so you can have more a money in your expences. That is favor! Why do we have a hard time accepting and being grateful of his favor? Is it becuase we are selfish or greedy? Or we feel that blessings should be materialistic? Please start counting your blessing rather than listing your complaints. Keep praying, God is always moving… have faith… Its ok to Dance with him♥ Sharda

About shardasmith-Stevens

Through God's direction and plan, I will touch people hearts around the world
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3 Responses to “Favor… Do you accept it?”

  1. Kia Grant says:

    So true, Counting my blessings!


  2. Lennis says:

    Dancing I’m with it


  3. Lennis says:

    Amen. and counting…..


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